Social Companionship

The comfort we feel in our home is like no other. It is the place that you feel most relaxed and happy.

However, as family members grow up and move into their own homes, you may find your house isn’t as busy as it once was and there aren’t as many people around to give you that extra hand when you need it.

Bucks TLC Care 24/7’s Social Companionship service gives you the support you need to live independently, providing you with the assistance of a nurse, healthcare assistant or support worker at times to suit your convenience.

Our Social Companionship service is most suited to individuals who will benefit from having the reassurance that someone is there with them, to offer support when it is needed. It also provides peace of mind for family members who are unable to regularly visit, as they know their loved one is being cared for.

Our carers, who are carefully selected to match your personality and requirements, will provide company and conversation, as well as provide support with household and social activities. Your service is tailored to your requirements and can be adapted to meet your changing needs. We will also arrange for you to meet your carer before your care package commences to ensure that you are happy.

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Feel free to contact me, and I will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.

f you/any of your household members have COVID-19 symptoms, please wait 14 days before booking and tell the store. Additionally, if you’re awaiting the result of a COVID-19 test or have been asked to self-isolate, you should not attend until advised to do so.

Staff are prepared and trained in awareness of COVID-19 including Infection Control and use of appropriate PPE.

Please refer to our stance on dealing with COVID as shown