Pets Companionship

Pets are often important to people who need domiciliary care and support. This is likely to be even more so for people who are less mobile or who are more isolated.

Evidence from studies tells us that the animal-human emotional bond brings significant emotional and social benefits. Caring for a pet  provides purpose, a routine and consistency to many people’s lives. Pets help people to feel safe and secure. They provide company and can support grieving adults and children, so that symptoms of depression are reduced. Touch is crucial to well-being. Stroking a pet has been proved to have a calming and relaxing effect, even producing physiological effects such as lowered blood pressure.

If you have a pet, as part of our domiciliary care service we will try and match you to a care assistant who also enjoys and understands animals. You will be able to share the pleasure of your special pet together.


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f you/any of your household members have COVID-19 symptoms, please wait 14 days before booking and tell the store. Additionally, if you’re awaiting the result of a COVID-19 test or have been asked to self-isolate, you should not attend until advised to do so.

Staff are prepared and trained in awareness of COVID-19 including Infection Control and use of appropriate PPE.

Please refer to our stance on dealing with COVID as shown