Learning Disability Support

Bucks TLC’s team of specialist carers /nurses are there to care for both adults and children with learning disabilities, as well as to provide additional support to families.

No matter the age of the individual, the Bucks TLC team can help by providing the support that is required to help them to live as independent a life as possible. We will work with the individual, the family and the wider care team to create a personalised care plan, suited to the needs and preferences of the service users, which may include home care visits, assisted living or a combination of the two.

Our team will also be able to refer the service user to other healthcare professionals that will be able to provide additional support on top of the services already provided by the Bucks TLC team.

Specialist Care for Service Users with Learning Disabilities

Roughly 1.5 million people living in the United Kingdom have a learning disability, meaning that they require additional support at school (Special Educational Needs), household chores and socialising. No two individuals’ circumstances will be the same, which is why our team work with all involved to create a tailored care plan.

As part of the care plan, the support required can range from providing educational assistance to assisted living. Our team will also be able to support the individual in search of educational and employment opportunities, which will help the individual to live as independent a life as possible.

How the Bucks TLC Team Supports the Family

The Bucks TLC team’s support does not begin and end with the individual exclusively, with the family also included as part of our care. We understand that caring for someone with learning disabilities, whether young or old, can be a demanding responsibility – and that accepting additional care is not always an easy decision to make.

Our team are here to support both the individual and the family. By calling on the Bucks TLC team you can be reassured that we will always listen to your feedback and views around the support that is being given as well as any changes to the care plan. Bucks TLC is also there for you, as a family as much as we are for the individual, to offer any assistance that you may require.

Our learning disability support plan includes:

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f you/any of your household members have COVID-19 symptoms, please wait 14 days before booking and tell the store. Additionally, if you’re awaiting the result of a COVID-19 test or have been asked to self-isolate, you should not attend until advised to do so.

Staff are prepared and trained in awareness of COVID-19 including Infection Control and use of appropriate PPE.

Please refer to our stance on dealing with COVID as shown