Staff are prepared and trained in awareness of COVID-19 including Infection Control and use of appropriate PPE.

Please refer to our stance on dealing with COVID as shown below: COVID-19 (Corona Virus) Personal Assistant Guidance Page :

These are unprecedented and challenging times particularly for Personal Assistants that are continuing to work during the outbreak. The Hub understands that these are very challenging times and would like to help in every way we can.

Please find below essential information for your role at this time. Whilst we make evert effort to keep the information on this page current it is important to note that the advice is changing regularly and it is your responsibility to ensure you are working safely in line with official guidance.

We have put together links to information from official sources recognised by the government along with information about the Hub.

The Bucks TLC Team and Office

The Bucks TLC team is still here and would like to help in any way we can.

As required the team is home working, however you can still contact us via the normal telephone and email contacts.

The team is dealing with a very high volume of calls and thank you in advance you have needed to be patient with delays in getting through to us.

PPE including gloves, aprons and masks have been very difficult to find recently.

The Bucks TLC holds limited PPE supplies, please contact the team to arrange purchases.

Get the latest NHS information and advice about
Coronavirus (COVID-19).

We recognises that the outbreak of a new strain of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) which results in the disease COVID-19 is a fast-moving situation and this was classified by the World Health Organisation as a pandemic.

As care providers we ensure robust infection control and business continuity plans form part of preparing us at Bucks TLC Ltd for any events that can cause disruption to the normal business.

We will ensure that staff are aware and understand the importance of pandemic preparedness, they will carry out preparations in the event of a second wave by following the checklist in the Pandemic Policy and Procedure at Care at your Home Limited.

We understand the importance of continuity of care, we aim to work with our partners, suppliers and commissioners to ensure that a safe and effective service can be maintained.

We understand that we have a responsibility for ensuring that staff follow good infection control and prevention techniques and they support clients with this too

Need Help?

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Something isn’t Clear?
Feel free to contact me, and I will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.

f you/any of your household members have COVID-19 symptoms, please wait 14 days before booking and tell the store. Additionally, if you’re awaiting the result of a COVID-19 test or have been asked to self-isolate, you should not attend until advised to do so.

Staff are prepared and trained in awareness of COVID-19 including Infection Control and use of appropriate PPE.

Please refer to our stance on dealing with COVID as shown