How we Work

Step 1

Outline Your Needs
Our specialist Domiciliary Care Team receives your enquiry. We will discuss your requirements and provide information on the services that we can offer you, as well as an outline of costs.

Step 2

Assessor Home Visit
We will arrange for a Bucks TLC Care 24/7 Assessor to visit your home and undertake a care and risk assessment. Following this visit, a fully costed care package will be offered.

Step 3

Finalise Care Package
We will finalise your care plan with you and your family and then identify the most suited care staff for you. We will also arrange for you to meet them to ensure that all of your needs are met. If any additional training is required this will also be coordinated.

Step 4

Service Commences
Your service commences.

Need Help?

Book Apoointmant

Something isn’t Clear?
Feel free to contact me, and I will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.

f you/any of your household members have COVID-19 symptoms, please wait 14 days before booking and tell the store. Additionally, if you’re awaiting the result of a COVID-19 test or have been asked to self-isolate, you should not attend until advised to do so.

Staff are prepared and trained in awareness of COVID-19 including Infection Control and use of appropriate PPE.

Please refer to our stance on dealing with COVID as shown